sekola suda habes bro !!


hahah ! yeah !!!! saye da abes skola !!!! awak da abes ? huhuhu ... syok ke abes skola ? hurmm ,, acc bg aku x shok la ,, x dpt lepking da ,, x dapet sembng2 ngn member da ,, yng pentng ,, x dapt WET BLANJE KOLA ,,, huarghhh !!!! mn aku nak cri wet ag pasne ,, adoy ,, keje ? urm ,,, nnty2 la ,,, x pkir ag nak keje ape ,, hahahah .. x terlntas pon ,, urm ,,, ce bg idea ,,, 

tapi , lau dok uma je dulu best gak kn ,,, rilek2 jap ,, tng2 pikirn jap ,, bru lha feeling ... hahahah ! oops ! bukan pemalas oke ,,, RAJIN SGT !!! 

  • bg wet at mak
  • renovate uma(huhu)
  • cri kete
  • beli umah
  • kumpul duit
  • cari suami
  • buat anak
hahah ! boboiboi lah yana !!!

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Welcome to the //LiyanaMarhat wonderland . hahak ! this is about girl life , like me and alsa u:D tq have been here for a while , do FOLLOW me okey ;) i will be hit u back :P sorry for the *grammer error* nobodys perfect :D